Generative Design / Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing
Why Generative Design?
Additive Manufacturing continues to be a force that will change supply chains and products like few other technologies that we have seen. To take advantage of the possibilities that additive manufacturing brings, it is critical to be able rethink how your product could be.​
Generative Design is a critical enabler to unleash the power of additive manufacturing. It enables designers and engineers to think less about the design constraints from manufacturing with the flexibility of 3D printing.
The generative design capabilities (sometimes referred as topology optimization) within Simcenter and NX are leading from a technology standpoint.
Here a some of the key capabilities provided and the benefits:
Generative Design - Allows the loads and constraints to be defined and have the system determine the shape of the product through an integrated NX based solution with Frustum
Topology Optimization- Takes an initial design and iterates it to remove material while continuing to meet the load conditions leveraging world-class technology from Simcenter 3D
Convergent Modeling - This is game changing technology within the workflow of designing for additive manufacturing. It allows the created model to be modify without having to recreate the geometry. It shortens the iterative design cycle.
Integrations - Siemens continues to build an additive manufacturing network with key machine builders like HP, EOS and others to be the forefront of an integrated design to manufacturing tool chain
Brochures & Articles
Curated Information
Generative Design - Part 1 of 2
Simulation Driven Design
Generative Design - Part 2 of 2
Convergent Modeling and 3D Printing
Additive Manufacturing Reshapes Everything
NX AM, Materialise & HP Multi Jet Fusion 3D Printer
Additive Manufacturing Possibilities
Additive Manufacturing Examples by Industry
Enjoy the set of videos that highlight the opportunity for Additive Manufacturing by Industry such as Aerospace, Automotive, Energy, Machinery and Medical Device.
Aerospace Use Case
Energy Use Case
Automotive Use Case
Machinery Use Case
Medical Device Use Case