Product Design / 3D Design
Why Product Design / 3D Design?
The world of engineering is changing with a limited supply of technical resources, growing product complexity, and market pressure on time.
For these reasons, it is more critical than ever to have a robust product design solution that can efficiently drive your overall process.
Siemens NX is the best platform to drive efficiencies into your design process. NX has capable tools for product design such as Convergent Modeling which allows engineers to work across both faceted and non-faceted data.
Contained with NX is Synchronous Modeling which allows designers to update non-native CAD geometry.
The openness of NX allows designers to associate bodies to non-native parts and coupled with Teamcenter work in a true multi-CAD development environment.
NX provides capabilities to capture the product architecture in Product Template Studio to spend precious resources on new innovations rather than iterations or adaptations of existing designs. Product Template Studio allows future iterations and adaptations to be generated quickly to speed customer delivery times.
Theses are just a few of the tremendous advantages of NX.
Brochures & Case Studies
Curated Information
NX - Product Template Studio
Move Edge with NX Synchronous Modeling
Edit Non-Native CAD with NX Synchronous Technology
Convergent Modeling for Combining Facets & Solids
NX 12 - New Sketcher Tools